Monday, November 15, 2010


My dream vacation takes place in beautiful Thailand. After hearing stories about the sandy beaches, tropical rain forests, and breathtaking mountains, it is on the top of my list for travel destinations that I hope to see in the near future. Seeing as that this is a "dream vacation", I plan on doing all the things I may not be able to do on a vacation that I could actually afford at the current moment. This being said, my vacation will encompass two and a half weeks of travelling the coast line as well as visiting the major cities and historical landmarks. The most ideal time to visit Thailand is between November and the end of February because it is the "cool season", with temperatures at a low of 28 degrees. Many may think that a cool season would have lower temperatures, but the cool season in Thailand has wonderful weather, without the rain that comes during July to October, and the scorching heat that comes in between March and June. I will be planning my trip for the beginning of November 2011.
Travel Plans:
Day 1: Arrive in Bangkok and travel south to the island of Koh Phangan
Day 2-3: Koh Phangan
Day 4-5: Koh Samui
Day 6-8: Krabi
Day 9-11: Phuket
Day 12-13: Ko Samet
Day 14-17: Bangkok

Sunday, November 14, 2010


In order to prepare for the trip, I will need to have my Canadian dollars changed into bhats, which is the currency in Thailand. Seeing as though this is my dream vacation, I plan on enough funds to cover my entire trip, including all the extra adventures and souvenirs I may want.

1 Canadian Dollar = 29.97170 Thai Baht 
1 Thai Baht (THB) = 0.03336 Canadian Dollar (CAD)

Furthermore, I plan learning some common Thai phrases so I can communicate to the best of my ability with the local people, such as please, thank you, and hello. I think that this will help me during my day to day travels as well as feeling more comfortable in a setting I have never experienced before.

Return flights from Toronto to Bangkok average about $1300 dollars during the first week of November. Prices are cheaper for the seasons that aren't as favourable, such as the extreme heat and rainy times in Thailand. Although the prices are more expensive at the beginning of November, I think the money is well spent for the better conditions I will be experiencing in Thailand.

I also plan to read other travellers blogs to get a good understanding of the culture in Thailand. My hope in doing this is that I get a sense of the types of things I should experience from the trip as well as places that I should make sure I see while I am there. I think that reading other blogs will also help my preparations in that they will make me feel more comfortable once I get to Thailand in regards to what I should be expecting.

I plan to make this trip with my sister and brother, who are both good travel companions. I believe that having a male on the trip will also give us a better sense of protection and safety. We plan on packing as lightly and modestly as possible as we will be making day trips from city to city, and these trips may be by ferry, bus, train, car, or backpacking on our own. We do not want to have more than we need as that will only drag us down. Since we are the type of travellers that seek adventure as opposed to relaxing on the beach all day, my dream vacation will encompass just that. There will be days for relaxing, but for the most part I hope to explore and learn everything I can about Thailand during my stay. Lastly, the most important thing I plan to bring on this trip is a digital camera to capture all the incredible sights to remember the trip for years to come.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Goals and Expectations

When I first realized that Thailand was my number one travel destination, my main reason for wanting to go was for the beautiful beaches and the Full Moon Festival. But, after looking into the trip and researching Thailand as a whole, my goal by the end of this trip is to understand the culture and way of life. I think that worldly knowledge is a very important attribute that people can possess and my goal is to better mine one step at a time.

From this trip, I also have some expectations that I hope follow through. As most tourists do, I also expect hospitality from the Thai people. I think that a main factor in contributing to a country's appeal for tourists is the way the way the tourists are treated while in a land they have never seen before. After speaking to friends and family who have been, I have heard nothing but great things - which makes me expect the same treatment. I also expect to bond with my siblings over the trip - two and a half weeks travelling together is almost sure to do that! Lastly, related to what I said above, I expect to come home from this trip with a bette understanding and appreciation for Thai culture and way of life.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day One

My trip will start in the city of Bangkok, but only as an arrival destination. I plan on flying into Bangkok on November 9th and from there, travelling south to the island Koh Phangan. From Bangkok, there are daily flights which fly into the island oh Koh Samui, where there are ferries available to take to Koh Phangun. I looked into reading other blogs from people who have travelled to Koh Samui, and they advised to head to the exit of the airports where there are information booths on transportation to the ferries in order to avoid getting scammed and ripped off by those people who want to take advantage of unknowing tourists. The short ferry ride from Koh Samui to the island is said to be very scenic, and is a short ride as well. My first day will mainly be used for travelling and becoming accustomed to the different norms, attitudes, and way of life in Thailand.

The reason I am travelling south to this island first is because on November 10th 2011, the city of Koh Phangan celebrates the full moon. The monthly full moon party is held in the crescent shaped bay and is an all night celebration that lasts into the morning.

I think that this would be the perfect start to my vacation. From what I have heard from friends and family who have been to the full moon festival, this was the highlight of their trip, and it is something that I am thrilled to experience.

Day Two-Three - Koh Phangan

The full moon party takes place once a month in Koh Phangan. The celebration began when a group of tourists realized that the most beautiful moons were seen on the island of Koh Phangan and it quickly became a tradition. The celebration starts at dusk as tourists and locals watch the moon rise over the bay and light up the white sandy beach. The next part is what I am most looking forward to – the all night celebrations. Since I am the kind of person who is open to all kinds of music, I think that this festival will be perfect for me since throughout the night the music changes from techno, to trance, to drums, to local music. I think that this will be one of the more memorable parts of my trip because I am able to experience a Thai tradition while also getting the opportunity to take part in it and celebrate with them. The Thai people of Koh Phangan have set up the full moon party so that any kind of person – whether it is a young person, middle-aged person, or elderly person - can enjoy himself or herself (there are all kinds of food and drink vendors along the beach, boutiques to purchase local goods and crafts, and live entertainment - such as fire dancers). I think that this is a key factor in keeping tourists attracted to the island party – with something available for everything there is no reason to leave.

Since I believe I will be up all night celebrating the full moon, my next day in Koh Phangan will be dedicated to relaxing and enjoying the beautiful beaches. The white sand and crystal clear water are not something I get to see everyday so I am hoping to soak up as many of the rays as possible. At the end of this day, I plan on taking the last ferry - which leaves around dusk - back to Koh Samui where I will be spending the next two days of my trip.